Be part of a growing team of hybrid innovators and slide into today's groove with in-house, internship or outsource employment.
Book publishing is suppose to fun and enjoyable, including being able to enjoy the profession that you're in or want to be a part of. We are a global client and employment corporation. We have been established since 2005 and has become one of the world's leading publishing houses as a hybrid. This is only through teamwork; acting together as one in the ASA Publishing family. Even though we are a business, we believe in the power of prayer and the encouragement towards each fellow employee. And, just like any sport event, we want and expect nothing less than those who can provide the best; experienced, and the ones with a talented gift; innovators:
Be part of a growing team of hybrid innovators and slide into today's groove with in-house, internship or outsource employment.
Sandra Barnes
This is a true story about a woman who was stuck in an inescapable abusive relationship that brought torment and humor into a new style of southern chivalry. Talk about a crazy southern hospitality relationship, meeting this Romeo who so happens to hang outside of a convenient store everyday should have been a red flag, but instead she listened to his persuasive tongue, having no idea that she would soon find herself zigzagging through a grassy area in the front of her yard. Children watching in horror as this maniac tries to pour gasoline over their mother. “Run Mommy, Run!!!” And so she did for many years, becoming battered, beaten and scorned. Venture with the author and see how it all began.
Be a part of a positive, empowered, and inspirational community. A T-Shirt brought to you by the author of "Reflection of a Broken Butterfly". It's time to Be Beautifully You! You or someone you know deserves it. Contact the author, Sandra Barnes at:
Book 2 - Soon available.
A learning concept children's book for all ages about bullying, peer pressure, self-worth and self-esteem. The author dedicated this book to her grandchildren, and also hopes to present a positive reflection for all to see within the inner beauty of a person’s heart, no matter what age, ethnic, disability, or circumstances that one may go through in life.
Enjoy this story about a little girl named, A'niya, who shares with her grandma a little secret about who her special friend is that visits her from the closet in her bedroom. So, come visit A'niya and Her Friend in the Closet.