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Getting Paid 60% in PCN Royalties

We saw something in your book's potential that allowed us to invest in your work, but you have to believe in your creative writing as well. Just remember: for every one book, there are two people reading it.

Ready to Get Paid for Books Sold? Press the Royalty Invoice Sheet.

Accountant at Work

-Author Royalty-
Invoice Sheet

Filling Out Tax Form

-Form 1040-
Example for Taxes

Online counselling

-Writers Digest-
Tax Advice for Writers

Reading a Newspaper

-Form 1099-
Miscellaneous Info




                     Getting Your 60% PCN Quarterly Royalties from the Cookie Jar

​The most exciting thing about having a book out in global distribution is when a book is sold and the author receives a royalty percentage for the "actual" sales of that book. Actual meaning that the book wasn't returned back to the bookseller for some reason; considered as positive sales.

Our royalties are set on a quarterly basis;

  • January, February, March - 60% Royalty received in May

  • April, May, June - 60% Royalty received in August

  • July, August, September - 60% Royalty received in November

  • October, November, December - 60% Royalty received in February

By pressing into the ROYALTY INVOICE SHEET button, there is a diagram and guidelines to help you along the way and have a better and more clearer understanding. 

Believe in Your Abilities

Believe that your gift will make room for you. 

"It takes years to become an overnight success, and an overnight success takes years to achieve its goal." - Quote by the Founder of ASA Publishing Corporation

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