Be part of a growing team of hybrid innovators and slide into today's groove with in-house, internship or outsource employment.
Book publishing is suppose to fun and enjoyable, including being able to enjoy the profession that you're in or want to be a part of. We are a global client and employment corporation. We have been established since 2005 and has become one of the world's leading publishing houses as a hybrid. This is only through teamwork; acting together as one in the ASA Publishing family. Even though we are a business, we believe in the power of prayer and the encouragement towards each fellow employee. And, just like any sport event, we want and expect nothing less than those who can provide the best; experienced, and the ones with a talented gift; innovators:
Be part of a growing team of hybrid innovators and slide into today's groove with in-house, internship or outsource employment.

Submitting Book to Tyler Perry
Tyler Perry generally doesn't accept other outside material for legitimate reasons. But this doesn't destroy dreams, only an educational avenue to see what successful writers/then producers go through when you just might enter into that type of circle. Explore his website at www.tylerperrystudios.com and envision a possibility, or give his studio a call and ask what you could do if you were to have a chance at them seeing your work. Note - He is on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram if you can present a strong enough presentation to reach him or his team about your work. Below is more information provided as a stepping stone to "What If" it could be possible. Let's find out in TPS Dreamer!
Tyler Perry Studios
Address: 315 Deshler St., SW, Atlanta, Ga. 30310
Office Contacts: 1.800.498.9537 / 1. 678.500.3710
Tyler Perry Studios DREAMER (TPS Dreamer)
Get an opportunity to become an intern and learn about the filming industry. This could be the career ticket that you might have waiting for. Open the door for yourself and your books could follow your lead . . . hum. If you're inquisitive, here is the information that could be another stepping stone for you.
Program Details: Program Details – Dreamers (tylerperrystudios.com)
Stages: Tyler Perry Studios » Stages
TIPS TO LEARN - Script Library Tips from Real Movie Scripts.
There is one easy and effective way to learn tv and movie script trades, by seeing the real actual and professional scripts to help you along the way.
Click here to view, download, and study actual movie scripts to mentor by.
Submitting Book to BET Networks
Even though we have our own direct contact with BET, as well as a few others, we still have to uphold their demands on how a script is properly sent. But, this doesn't mean they gave us an instant pass into the limelight. In being able eliminate partciality, we are providing you with the basic info to talk to them and/or send a book on your own. If you feel that your book has a chance, go for it! At the end of the day, it's about how you truly feel about your own work.
Click here about Submission Agreement
Website: www.bet.com
Address: BET Networks - 1235 W Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20018-1211
Office phone: 202-608-2000
Submitting Book to LMN or A&E
Sending an "Idea" for a Script to Lifetime Movie Network LMN or A&E. It's not impossible, it's about channeling the right avenues to proceed with a dream of the "What If". Now, LMN would prefer you to go through an agent or a attorney to protect both parties interest in a relationship with them.
They are also a part of A&E Networks, where you can get helpful information on how to send your book or its ideal concept to LMN or other A&E movie networks.
Here are the addresses:
A&E Network, 309 West 49th Street, New York, NY 10019
A&E Television Networks, LLC -235 E. 45th Street, New York, NY 10017
Their contact:
(Ph) 212.424.7000
(FX) 212.424.7155