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ASA Marketing Strategies

No more needle in the haystack for you, it's time to become knowledgeable to some unlimited potential on how to keep the dust off your book and into a reader's hand.

Know Your Product          Know Your Audience          Know Your "Self"


What distinguishes your book from all the others? 


How strong is the reading material of your book?


How do others see your book cover other than yourself?


Did you get a feedback that should or would help 

improve your book?

Generate a Product          Generate a Buyer          Generate a Sale


Have an idea on a project and trying to establish a foundation to grow on?


Find a few networks and hashtags some pipelines that will see your product. The more visible, the better chances of sales.


Great, you sold a few books! Now let's try to target some locations and generate a group of target audiences with similar interest. (This system maps out a target structure.)


Are you ready to add more to your resume? Let's find some bookstores that will give you a chance on consignment, and possibly a book signing gig.

Exercising Your Dream   Creating Your Resume'   Building Your Foundation


Media exposure goes a long way when there is even a little opportunity for cable/online television with an audience.


When you're on the airwaves, the listeners are looking for short, strong, and elaborate key reasons to buy your book.


This is another form of radio and/or television by way of direct online media. 


Self-generate your income by having your own website or webpage that your readers can go to and purchase your book[s].

Reaching toward Your Success                       Exercising No Limits More Potential

Public Relations

Marketing your product alone takes hard work. There are financial obligations and time consumption that can be very stressful. PR or (PRA) Public Relations Agents can eliminate 90% of the hassle, and allow you to continue being the author so you don't have to become the chief, cook, and bottle-washer. 


One of the greatest attractions in moving your books into the sales market from little to medium exposure, is through the convenience of supportive libraries. You would be very surprised that libraries can not only provide exposure, but introduce a clientele of people of interest and a shelving in their system of your book.


Book Parties

Every event should be treated like you're having a book party. Always have books on hand no matter where you are. If you're at a doctor's office, leave your book on the coffee table in one of their magazine racks, or any preferable place where there is a flow of traffic. Go to events or rent a space somewhere and create one. Just don't couch-potato yourself into thinking that the needle in the haystack is going to surface on its own, especially when physical bookstores are slowly disappearing into the night, and if you're doing this alone.

Zoom/Webcam it anywhere live to present your gifted talents. Use Cash APP to receive income.

Improve Your Marketing

Social Networking and Social Media are very beneficial as long as you tailor your product to potential buyers. Understand the sociality of those whom you're already connected with and the potential difference between a publicity sale and a struggling sale. It's all about who you're marketing your product to and why you're marketing to those specific groups. An influencer, generally have a community established, once the influencers determine what type of groups he or she has that can be categorized; somewhat as to what algorithms do.

  • You will have groups that will like and dislike (Opinion givers that doesn't purchase).

  • You will have groups that will share (Pass the word along that you have a product).

  • You will have groups that will purchase and at often times do not return to provide a review.

Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter X, are what we consider the battlegrounds for practice, where you can be an instant bestseller for a few days on Amazon with crunching numbers and only a few sales, Facebook with the pass along my product challenges, and Twitter X with #Hashtag motivation. Now, there's nothing wrong with a little excitement that something is going on in the marketing arena for you, but you have to determine whether it's a hobby or you really want to make a success with it, meaning you, your brand, your product, having positive cashflow in your bank account, or all of the above. 

Never get discouraged, bouncy movement of your product is a good thing. That means someone is taking interest in which we call POI, People of Interest. It's about creating a niche for yourself and developing your own fan-based community, even if you have a marketer. This is your product, your pride and joy. 


A publishing house's duty is to help perfect your product and market in your behalf; publishing houses that read books, that is. If you are publishing independently or with an actual publishing house, having an independent marketer on the side can also be beneficial, as long as they are on the same page with the author, the creator of the product, and who can work off your product and website, whether it's your own website or the one your publisher built, teamwork is a must with less chaotic confusion. Just remember, both have a job to do, create an atmosphere of influence that this is the product for the future consumer. 

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