Be part of a growing team of hybrid innovators and slide into today's groove with in-house, internship or outsource employment.
Book publishing is suppose to fun and enjoyable, including being able to enjoy the profession that you're in or want to be a part of. We are a global client and employment corporation. We have been established since 2005 and has become one of the world's leading publishing houses as a hybrid. This is only through teamwork; acting together as one in the ASA Publishing family. Even though we are a business, we believe in the power of prayer and the encouragement towards each fellow employee. And, just like any sport event, we want and expect nothing less than those who can provide the best; experienced, and the ones with a talented gift; innovators:
Be part of a growing team of hybrid innovators and slide into today's groove with in-house, internship or outsource employment.

Become self-employed, be your own boss! It's simple, just outsource contract with us. No hourly time schedules, just deadlines to meet and still have that flexibility with your secondary job.
The Power of Having Rewarding Opportunities are In Your Hands!
National & International Employment
This is a business, So Let's Get Straight to the Point - We are based in The Great State of Michigan, and our outsource contracting employment positions are for those who are looking either for a future career, internship for additional credits, or need a little extra change in their pocket.
Even though the atmosphere in this type of creative industry is great and we treat you like family, we are still running a business and our goal is to make money for our clients, including the growth and expansion of our corporation.
Key Points:
Some experience in any open position that you are inquiring does benefit,
but if you have no experience and want to learn a trade, or need school credits, we will place you in a three month internship.
If this is the case, we need to have your attentiveness during your training period. three months after you learn - you begin to earn!
Otherwise, we're not in the time-wasting business of giving away free money,
and it's not being fair to our new and established clients,
they have timeframe agreements which makes time itself very precious and very valuable.
But, we have innovative progressive positions that allows you in a management position to pay whomever you employ.