Be part of a growing team of hybrid innovators and slide into today's groove with in-house, internship or outsource employment.
Book publishing is suppose to fun and enjoyable, including being able to enjoy the profession that you're in or want to be a part of. We are a global client and employment corporation. We have been established since 2005 and has become one of the world's leading publishing houses as a hybrid. This is only through teamwork; acting together as one in the ASA Publishing family. Even though we are a business, we believe in the power of prayer and the encouragement towards each fellow employee. And, just like any sport event, we want and expect nothing less than those who can provide the best; experienced, and the ones with a talented gift; innovators:
Be part of a growing team of hybrid innovators and slide into today's groove with in-house, internship or outsource employment.

3 Easy Steps to Get Started!
Book Your Space
Step 3
Make Your Payment
Step 1
Schedule Your Event
Step 2
Provide in Your Information

Welcome to our easy Booking Steps.
Anytime that you see a button that says "Book Now!" and you press into it, you will see a variety of different choices. Select the one you're booking for and it will take you to a calendar. Set the calendar date and time of your chosen event. Note: You will automatically be given a two day grace period from the date you selected that particular schedule in order to make sure the event you picked would work for you.
Next, you will be filling out a very simple form that the only thing we need to know is your name, email, contact number, and if you want to leave a message in case of certain specifics like what type of event you're actually looking to do, and what kind of presentation equipment you might need (if available).
The last step of this very easy online form you will be making is a flat rate payment for that specific event you are going to be attending or performing. Again, as a reminder, these events are non-refundable. If you're still interested and ready to proceed, just press "Begin" on the lower left. Otherwise, if you haven't explored the rest of the Book Event Center just press one of the buttons below. Looking forward to seeing you at one of your selected events.