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4 Easy Steps to Follow

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ASA Publishing Corporation Accredited with the Better Business Bureau

Be the Chef in your own publishing kitchen!
"You Own 100% Rights and Get 60% PCN Royalties."

Step 1. View Pricing

We have different publishing package levels that you can hire us for. This includes editing, distribution, cover design, and marketing assistance. You can also publish more than just one book in a single  pkg.

Step 2. View Agreement

When you find the right publishing package that fits your needs, view our contractual agreement next before making any type of payment. Then, send your manuscript to be reviewed for pre-approval.

Step 3. Upload Manuscript

Once you upload your manuscript, we will notify you when we receive it, and then one of our publishers will begin to review it. The manuscript portal is self-explanatory and very easy to use. 

Step 4. Processing Room

If we pre-approved your manuscript for  publication, fill out the agreement and make a payment. Next, you will be assigned a publishing and marketing team. Below, familiarize yourself with our process.

It's all about Quality!

Book Publishing Sequence

Hiring in Payments

Continuing Services

Making a Payment

Optional Payment Plan

This payment plan is optional for higher-level publishing packages. We want you to be the best that you can be as an author, writing in a stress-free environment. Our suggestion is to work at your own financial comfort level.   

Optional Extension Plan

Contracts have a term-ending agreement. To keep your book(s) in circulation to the public and booksellers, we provide a yearly extension plan. Option 1 is for continuing regular service, Option 2 is just for distribution only.  

Optional Payments

Grow Your Vision

Stand out among the crowd with your own creativity.

"Be different, Be Innovative, Be the Writer You Were Gifted to Be!"

ASA Publishing Corporation

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