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Sweet Potatoes!




If you're into self-publishing and want to either just print some books or have global distribution to go with it. You now have options at your fingertips.

This is what self-publishing is all about, being able to create your own identity as an author/publisher or a publishing company of your own. Our task is only to ensure your book's formatting and printing in order for you or your organization to obtain quality physical paperbacks. In other words, we'll go through your book with you to make sure that the formatting structure is set correctly, your title/copy page is in order, and that your work is properly PDF'ed for physical printing or publication. 


This is a rendered service that works with real people, where we become your caretaker and outsource of your work, and not an automation platform where its only support team is through an email or forum. Our team will connect with you one-on-one. When you go into this direction of global distribution, you will receive 100% of the royalties from the Publisher's Compensation Net (PCN). 


Whether you're just printing without an ISBN or publishing with an ISBN, if you decide that you want to order books, you as an individual or company will be considered as a client and will be able to make bulk purchases from our author store.

It's easy! All you have to do is press the $99 dollar package button on your left, read, and self-assess if this is the route for you. Need assistance, just give us a call at 734.418.4756

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ASA Publishing Corporation, a Hybrid Book Publisher

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ASA Publishing Corporation










An In-House and Outsource Corporation

Thank you for visiting our corporation. We hope that we were able to open innovative doorways to complete your goals and innovate them to help drive you in whatever you do in life, toward success.

ASA Publishing Corporation Accredited with the Better Business Bureau

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